Thursday, 23 April 2015


He slunk past the window looking very guilty...and quite dark in colour. 'Oh poor dog,' thought my husband, 'he must have fallen in the canal (again).'

Did I mention that since the 1st April the young stock (cows) are back in the field next to us and all that is separating us from them is a thin 12 volt fence, so it is easy for a collie dog to get underneath it and roll in the fresh green cow pats, though to be honest he could have actually been stood under the back end of said cow:

I have also previously mentioned that Leelu doesn't like water.  he especially doesn't like being bathed and he had cold water as punishment, rather than the tepid water of previously.  Oh he was not happy, but he was cleaner, with only a slight whiff of countryside (cow!) and he was very fluffy when he was dry!

He hasn't been back near any fresh cow pats!!

Monday, 13 April 2015

Spring has sprung

I can't believe it's a month since my last does that happen?!  It's been a whirl of early morning walks watching the mornings get lighter, and for a few days very frosty with some early morning field fog, followed by breakfast and then a morning snooze for Leelu whilst one or both of us go to work.  Then an afternoon walk / frisbee throw then I come home and it's teatime, playtime and then an evening / moonlight bedtime wander... that is when we could get him out of his bed, he really likes the new bed!

We completely upset this nice routine - oh I forgot the hangdog eyes just before we go out to work, except that now I realise that it was 'great, are you going? I need my morning nap' eyes!  We were both doing a long working day one day and so our neighbours offered to have him, well practically begged to be honest - so after breakfast I took him up to their boat and he had a marvellous day, complete with photos of walking, tennis ball throwing and sleeping in front of their fire - completely spoilt rotten and loving it :-)  He was exhausted by the time we came home, a sign of a great day!

He loves the frisbee and tennis ball and makes us laugh with his acrobatics and stunt man rolls, although he managed to sprain his paw doing one of his catches one day and, although he struggled on dogfully, we had to go and get him some anti-inflammatories and painkillers from the vet.  It was so difficult confining a bouncy border collie to 2 half hour walks on a lead a day - can you imagine?!

So no it is officially spring, the daffodils are all beautiful and bright, the birds are singing and the field next to us has dried out so the new seasons young cattle (They are usually young cows) are back in the field.  Leelu hasn't quite worked out that these big black and white things are potentially quite threatening to him - he is not bothered in the slightest, even when I told him that he needed to move as they were clearly after his Frisbee!  So the morning walk route has had to change.

A couple of weekends ago we ended up on 'Tea Junction' which is a floating café canal boat that travels around the canals of the UK.  They were over in Nantwich and they serve superb chocolate & Guinness cake and huge hot chocolates and doggy biscuits for Leelu.  It was a rainy day but thoroughly enjoyable.

Happy Spring everyone!