All Change - a new life plan
I recently heard a podcast host say that actually the best way to get an audience is not to say what amazing things you have done but to say what a terrible time you are currently going through because many people will identify with your situation. Overwork which then led to work-related stress has been my 'terrible time' virtually since April this year but here I am, definitely on the brighter side of it with a lot more determination and a long term goal. Having literally just made the decision to escape the food manufacturing industry that I have been working in for the last 24 years, with the exception of a couple of years between the ages of 29 and 31 when i went travelling, it's a kind of odd, yet liberating, feeling, so now I am just working out my short term plan.
So whilst i had enforced time away from work when i was off with stress, it was my second hand dog that helped me through. Another creature that wants to drag you out walking miles along the towpath or play in the field with the cows and the frisbee (That's a great image that I am going to leave just there!) or whilst you don't always feel that you can contact even your closest friends, you don't want to worry your parents and your husband is on expedition on the other side of the world, it's the dog that gets you out of bed every day, or rather he is willing to get out of his bed for the promise of a walk really early in the morning because your head is awake and buzzing with stupidness. We caught some lovely sunrises, sunsets, moonlight and heat of the day walks and walked miles, all from the narrowboat mooring.
In April we did a fabulous walk along the Nantlle ridge in Wales where Leelu did some more scrambling. Once he gets into it he is really good. The harness helps us to assist him up or down
We've had chilling out time in the sunshine on the mooring:

We've changed his food, he was so bored with his food which we decided was just like the inside of a malteser (with less taste), despite it being what he has eaten for his whole life, lots of research and advice and practical considerations were taken and the result is a happier dog with a shiny coat who eats all of his food and the occasional bone from the butchers - now he has learnt what to do with it!
We've learnt about Yellow Dog and got him a smart yellow bandana which has helped other people to keep their friendly, or otherwise, dogs away from him, he still can't cope, even if the other dog ignores him completely he still has to keep an eye, just in case they might suddenly want to come and attack him....
We've also done lots of hill walking with Ellen - I didn't have the energy to do mountain walking and Ellen is working towards her Hill the Moorland Leader qualification. The best thing about Ellen, according to Leelu? She always brings sausages!
So while I work out a short term plan and get over laryngitis, a plea - we've recently discovered how much fun an old football can be, even more fun than a tennis ball or frisbee. We found one in the woods but it was disintegrating. We found another floating past in the canal but then managed to kick it back in to the canal way out of reach. Any old footballs would be welcomed!
Viv & Leelu x
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